Baghdaddy ★★★★★

Do you like comedy clubs? Do you like musicals? Do you like satire? Do you like docu-dramas?

What seems like an odd intersections of genres, delivers on each one of them.

Set to the backdrop of the series of steps .. erm.. mis-steps that led to the invasion of Iraq, Baghdaddy comes in with a cast a director can hope to order for. Some great writing, great comedic delivery and amazing chemistry makes this so much more than a sarcastic farce.

Backstage delivers too with some of the best music and lights I've seen off-Westend or off-Broadway in a while.

You are laughing all the while at what is a grim, sad and angering subject. Poignancy is not too far behind in the second half, either with some very beautiful poetic numbers.

Baghdaddy makes it to the list of shows I will go back to again hoping that they haven't changed a thing. Strong five stars from me. And as promised, here is the cover of the programme, since the show is donating to Arts for Veterans for every social media mention #baghdaddygivesback
